Thursday, March 15, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

                              Lately we have been reading Romeo and Juliet in class and since then i have always been wondering what my favorite character would be. I think my favorite character would be Juliet because she speaks for herself. She has respect for other adults around her and because she believes in her own thoughts not her parents. I also like the character Juliet because  she is my age and she gets to find her own love.Even though her parents are like in war with the other group of families.
                      Something I have also thoughts about were the themes that came up when reading Romeo and Juliet. Some themes that came upon the book were anger because the Montagues and Capulet families have been fighting for a long time. Love because Romeo and Juliet love each other and also love because many secrets are of love.Also families is another issue because Romeo and Juliet are from different families and they have to decide weather or not they want to chose families or love. There are many other issues in the book .
     The book is alittle hard to understand but once you read and read it gets better that last time. I think the lanuage is that shaksperean.

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