Friday, February 3, 2012


 1) What is Dance?
         Dance is a movement that
            expresses feelings our body
                  goes through like happiness
                         or  sadness.
         Dance is
            full of emotions
                and personality.

           Dance is self expression
               all the movements are
                    made with the way we
                         want to express ourselves.
            Dance is life kicking in using our senses
                  the movements describe the smell
                        and taste that we come to
                          and what we have seen.

     2) What happens to a dream?
               Does it come true like all our lies?
               like our nightmares do?
               or go away like a pimple after it sat there and did what it had to ?
              Does it have rough texture like a frog?
               Maybe it means and explains -
                  what our life is trying to tell us will happen?

             Or maybe it disappears in the real world and appears in our mind?

        3)  Poem on art

It never ends
its like the clock keeps spinning and
the seconds,minutes,hours,and days
don't pass by.

The clocks melting as if we don't exist
the time stopping as if we want it to
the water, cliff shining bright gold as if
everything was okay.
The ants eating up the center of the clock,
the orange clock
the only one not melting
the only one not drooping
the only different one.

Oh how i feel when the clocks stop spinning
oh how i feel when the time doesn't matter
Salvador Dali oh why
why are the clocks drooping and melting down
it is like time, and life don't exist anymore.

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