In the book Avalon , there are 3 girls that meet each other in a forest. The 3 girls are very very different. Emily is the shy one and new girl in town. She doesn't believe in magic. Adrianne is the strange one , the outsider . She doesn't believe in friends. Then there's Kara , the spoiled, snobby, popular one. The magic believes in her. Emily and Adrianne don't want Kara's help although they need it desperately .In this book magic is real and friendship means everything especially because its the only thing you'll have at the time .
While reading the book , i have realized that friend ship means everything to people that don't have friends . Without Emily or Kara or Adrienne they would be no where. This book really stresses out the idea of magic and friend ship . Magic isn't real in life but in this book it shows how it can help and really people need magic. With magic in real life, everything would be okay and great you'd have everything you need , and most importantly everything would turn out fine. Unlike in real life things happen for no apparent reason. So far in the book the 3 girls go to a magical land in the forest and help people out using there powers.
I like how you say what you're feeling about the book and how you connected to the book. Maybe you should even take the next step and connect the book to the world! But really good job. :)