Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyberbullying ( social awareness # 3 )

Cyberbullying is harassment and embarrassment to one another on the Internet. Cyberbulling can really hurt people and can make people stressed or depressed. Cyberbulling can improve and go on to sexual predators. It can have people choosing to live or kill themselve . Parents worry but can't do anything to help since this is on the Internet. There should really be a law about not Cyberbulling. Things posted on the kneeler can never be taken back so ALWAYS think before saying something. Children that range from 12 -15 get bullied about rumors. Things like that may need theoropy after . Cyberbullying is not safe and it shouldn't happen again.

I think that Cyberbulling should be stopped because if you were the one getting bullied you wouldn't like it either. It is a horrible feeling . Cyber bulling can happen by text massages , emails , web pages , blogs , chat rooms and or other communication technologies. Only 20% of the Cyberbulling victims tell their parents which is one way to get help and to make a change. There are many people out there that get bullied and need help , family and friends should always be there for them . I saw that in the article how many people get teased and I agree that there should be a change and stop to Cyberbullying !

Thursday, November 24, 2011

2 voice poem on poverty/money .

I am an only child 
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. 

My mom cut my allowance down to only 50 dollars a week  !
i get 2 dollars a week for lunch .

I had a lobster at my favorite restaurant .
Me and my siblings split a can of beans .

my mom doesn't agree on me getting a Lamborghini ! tough life
if i am lucky enough i will get my own journal . 

one day i hope my mom buys me a indoor pool
one day i hope i will get my own room instead of sharing with my siblings.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reading Responce on Avalon by Rachel Roberts

             In the book Avalon , there are 3 girls that meet each other in a forest. The 3 girls are very very different. Emily is the shy one and new girl in town. She doesn't believe in magic. Adrianne is the strange one , the outsider . She doesn't believe in friends.  Then there's Kara , the spoiled, snobby, popular one. The magic believes in her. Emily and Adrianne don't want Kara's help although they need it desperately .In this book magic is real and friendship means everything especially because its the only thing you'll have at the time .

             While reading the book , i have realized that friend ship means everything to people that don't have friends . Without Emily or Kara or Adrienne they would be no where. This book really stresses out the idea of magic and friend ship . Magic isn't real in life but in this book it shows how it can help and really people need magic. With magic in real life, everything would be okay and great you'd have everything you need , and most importantly everything would turn out fine. Unlike in real life things happen for no apparent reason. So far in the book the 3 girls go to a magical land in the forest and help people out using there powers.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Social Awareness Writing Assigments # 1

Observe your surroundings (school, home, neighborhood, media)
 Some problems that i thought were unfair  and/or not solved
- racism 
- treating people different 
- respectfulness
- bad friends 

The problem that i picked to write more about is racism .Racism is when people make fun of people because of their race/color.  I have seen this problem in my school ( MS 51 ) my neighborhood ( Park Slope ) online and heard about it in the news ,even  back in time this was a problem . I think that just because people are colored doesn't mean you should treat them differently .This problem is bad and unfair, back in the 1800's people lost their lives and homes because of racism . White people and black people are to be treated the same because they are the same , there both humans ! People get really bullied and/or stressed . Sometimes even a thought of suicide comes up . 

I have token this topic into  and observed it very well .It came thought how people feel and how some people even react to when there bullied. People may even try to act different t not get picked on . Fr example : if a white person gets bullied they might try and act black ( Swagg ). Or even might not even try to act different but consider changing religions. Racism is hearse and terrible thing to do . Some possible solutions might be : 1) when bullied tell a parent of teacher immediately. Don't let them think your not going to do anything about it . 2) Ignore the people bullying you . Most times they bully you even more when you show sadness and madness. 3) Dont let racism bug you . we are  all humans .That is what i think about racism

Friday, November 11, 2011

out of my mind - by sharon m. draper ( reading response)

   I am reading the book Out of my Mind and I have realized many issues in the book that are occurring to Melody .Such as : loneliness, family issues , school issues and more. In this reading response i will be talking about the school issues  because that is what mostly occurs.Melody is getting teased by her classmates because she cant walk or talk and she needs a person to translate for her . This can get humiliating , i know how people feel when they get bullied. We are all the same people and we should be treated the same .There is this saying " treat people like you want to be treated " i think that this saying really shows and tells this story.
   Melody has many things in her life that make her different. Like the fact that she cant walk or talk .She gets teased in school by her classmates. Melody tries to ignore it but her classmates wont ever stop . I feel that melody is becoming depressed because of this issue. Melody is different in a way but that is no reason for people treating her differently, people don't understand and/or realize what the person feels until they fell the same way.
       One person in her life that helps her a lot through her issues  is Ms.Valencia. She helps Melody by teaching her new phrases and helping her get to school and watch her after school . I think that Melody loves and cares for Ms.V .She ( and f course her family ) are the only people that understand her and are supportive of her. 
   Later on in the book , Melody's  parents get her a medi talker which she types into and it speaks for her. She was very happy because her long life dream is to be able to walk and talk . I can tell that this helps her in school , but still Claire ( one of her classmates )is being mean to her.Melody is just the same person as everyone else . There is no reason for Melody to be teased for one little thing. I think that the lesson so far is that if you treat someone badly you'll be treated badly too .Also that you shouldn't treat a person badly or judge a person without getting to know them .